Lean Approaches for Water Efficiency for Spirits, Brewing and Wine Making



Recorded on October 29, 2020

Duration: 51 minutes

This webinar provides training on lean manufacturing principles and practices and show how they can be applied to improve water efficiency. In addition, best practices in water efficiency within distilleries and breweries will be presented.

This webinar is a follow-on to the Spring 2020 webinar entitled Sustainable Water Consumption for Spirits, Brewing, and Wine-Making, a recording of which is available on KPPC’s website (https://kppc.org/ksmi/ssb/sustainable-water-consumption-for-spirits-brewing-and-wine-making/). This previous webinar discussed base-lining and bench-marking water use, as well as mapping water use throughout the production process. Participants in this webinar will learn approaches and best practices that lead to improved water efficiency.

Topics covered include:

• Water Use Ratio’s in Kentucky Distilleries and Breweries
• Lean Manufacturing Principles
• Application of lean principles to improve water efficiency
• Examples of best practices in water efficiency



View this Webinar on the KPPC YouTube ChannelYoutube Logo

Presentation Info


Lissa McCracken, Executive Director
Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center

Mark Toda, Senior Sustainability Engineer
Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center

Samantha Gordon, Senior Sustainability Engineer
Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center



[00:01] Introduction

[01:59] Lean Approaches to Water Efficiency

[03:23] Kentucky Sustainable Spirits

[12:14] Water Costs

[20:00] Water Balance

[26:48] Water Loss

[36:23] Lean and Water

[40:30] Water Efficiency Best Practices

[49:32] Questions

Note: Time-stamped links will be viewed on the KPPC YouTube channel. The same time-stamped links are also provided in the video description below the video on YouTube. Or the slider bar in the embedded video on this page can be dragged to the desired time for viewing a specific portion of the video.



Kentucky Sustainable Spirits Overview Video

An animated overview of the Kentucky Sustainable Spirits Initiative by Robyn Whitted, KY EXCEL Program Coordinator and Pollution Prevention Specialist with the Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Compliance Assistance. This three minute video provides insight to the history of the initiative and the types of assistance, resources, and training that are available.

View the Sustainable Spirits overview video on the Powtoon website.



The Lean & Water Toolkit

The Lean & Water Toolkit offers Lean implementers practical strategies and techniques for improving common Lean results related to time, cost, and quality, while also reducing water use, costs, and risk. The toolkit assumes that you are familiar with Lean methods.




Brewers Association – Sustainability Resource Hub

Environmental stewardship is a top priority for both craft brewers and craft beer enthusiasts. Maintaining a healthy balance between stewardship, social enrichment, and economic vitality is important to the future success of craft brewing. Through the benchmarking work and sustainability manuals, the Brewers Association and its sustainability subcommittee encourages conscientious brewing practices that will ensure the long-term success of the craft beer industry.


Note: Some of the information available on the Resource Hub is for members only.



Sustainable Water Consumption for Spirits, Brewing and Wine Making Webinar

This webinar provided training on how to map water use and identify reduction opportunities for sustainable operations. Expert guidance on how to save water and reduce costs by analyzing a facility’s water bills, developing baselines and using benchmarks were presented. KPPC’s energy use ratio calculator was also upgraded to include water use ratio and was demonstrated during the webinar.

View this recorded webinar.



KPPC SSBI Energy Use and Emissions Calculator

> KPPC SSBI Calculator Spreadsheet [xlxs]

Note: The KPPC SSBI Energy Use and Emissions Calculator spreadsheet must be downloaded and opened with Microsoft Excel to be fully functional. The spreadsheet contains unprotected cells for data input and protected cells for calculated data that cannot be altered.



Kentucky Sustainable Spirits

The Division of Compliance Assistance, in collaboration with the Kentucky Distillers Association, have created the Sustainable Spirits Initiative to bring members of the industry together to discuss and share their experiences about current environmental issues and aspire to shape future opportunities for this sector.

Visit the Kentucky Sustainable Spirits website.



Kentucky Sustainable Manufacturing Initiative (KSMI) Webinars

A series of webinars were provided as part of the Kentucky Sustainable Manufacturing Initiative (KSMI) to demonstrate how sustainable manufacturing principles and practices can drive a strategy to enhance environmental performance and help achieve business goals and objectives into the future. Topics include life cycle perspective (LCP), developing a culture of innovation and sustainability, sustainable product development and sustainable value stream mapping (Sus-VSM).

Explore this valuable collection of KSMI webinars.


Water Efficiency Webinar (2012)

Designed for production managers, facility engineers, plant managers and pre-treatment operators, this webinar explores the importance of water conservation and how to track and reduce water consumption. This webinar was developed by the Environmental Sustainability Resource Center to help guide facilities toward improvements in environmental performance and cost savings through implementation of pollution prevention opportunities.

Find out more and view this two-part water efficiency webinar.