Online Technical Resources



Online Technical Resources and Information

The resources listed below can assist you with more information about environmental sustainability, energy savings and management, source reduction and a comprehensive glossary of related terms. KPPC provides this list as reference information only and does not endorse any particular product, service or company.

For questions or assistance, please contact KPPC toll-free at (800) 334-8635, extension 8520965, direct
at (502) 852-0965

seven step iconEnergy Management Process (EMP) Seven Steps

The seven-step Energy Management Process is based on the Energy Star program, supplemented with additional information tailored to commercial and industrial facilities. This guide is intended to assist you with implementing a successful energy management program. If you need help using this guide, contact KPPC.


The ENERGY STAR Guidelines for Energy Management
A U.S. Department of Energy guide to building a strategic energy management program.

ENERGY STAR Treasure Hunt Guide: Simple Steps to Finding Energy Savings
An Energy Treasure Hunt is a two- to three-day event that engages employees in identifying low-cost energy savings opportunities from behavioral, operational, and maintenance actions. This 31-page guidebook provides step-by-step guidance on how to organize and execute an Energy Treasure Hunt. Examples from ENERGY STAR partner organizations and checklists are provided to illustrate practices and help with implementation. This guide complements EPA’s ENERGY STAR Guidelines for Energy Management.

Pollution Prevention Tools and Calculators
P2 Calculator spread sheets from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are designed to help measure the environmental and economic performance results of P2 activities. These calculators can demonstrate the unique multi-media perspective that P2 brings to reduce GHG reductions and cost savings.

The Energy Innovation Portal
The Portal is an online tool that links available DOE innovations to the entrepreneurs who can successfully license and commercialize them. By helping to move these innovations from the laboratory to the market, the Portal facilitates an integral step in supporting growing America’s clean energy industries.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration Glossary of Terms
A comprehensive glossary of terms related to energy.


Sustainability Resources

Benchmarking, Baselining and Tracking: Establish and Maintain Your Energy Program

Building Energy Software Tools Directory
A directory of software to help new or existing buildings in energy efficiency and renewable energy.  New submissions are welcome.

Demand Management Webinar
Presented by KPPC engineers, this webinar explores the basics of demand pricing, smart metering equipment, securing/formatting demand interval data and using data to find opportunities for energy savings and load shedding/shifting opportunities.

Energy Star
The federal energy efficiency program.

Energy Star Portfolio Manager
Energy Star’s building benchmarking and energy tracking software.  This software provides commercial facilities with ratings based on the performance of the building compared to similar buildings across the nation.

Energy Star Target Finder
A tool that helps determine an annual energy target for a building’s design, compares energy use from simulations with set targets, monitors a building design’s energy performance as plans progress and evaluates the cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency measures associated with a building’s design.

Energy Watchdog
Energy Watchdog is a pay-for service offering utilities tracking and weather normalization.

Boiler & Steam

Boiler Systems Information
Information on boilers and steam systems, including an overview of components and types of boilers. Source:  U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Building Envelope

U.S. DOE Building Technologies Office
The Building Technologies Office develops, demonstrates, and accelerates the adoption of cost-effective technologies, techniques, tools and services that enable high-performing, energy-efficient and demand-flexible residential and commercial buildings in both the new & existing buildings markets, in support of an equitable transition to a decarbonized energy system by 2050.

Building America Tools and Resources
The Building America Program provides homeowners, researchers, and building professionals with tools and resources to evaluate and explain high-performance buildings.

Compressed Air

Air Compressors Operations & Maintenance
An overview of the types of air compressor systems, maintenance tips and case studies of savings. Source:  U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.


HVAC Upgrades
Energy Star guide to upgrading HVAC components.


CFL Comparison
Energy Star has provided a brief summary on the impacts of installing a CFL.

Energy-Wise Lighting
The American Lighting Association website contains information on energy efficient lighting, as well as a guide to making lamp selections.

Plug Load

Assessing and Reducing Plug and Process Loads in Office Buildings [PDF]
This resource offers a guide to reducing plug load energy usage in office buildings.

Process Heating

Boost Process Heating Efficiency [PDF] An overview of the U.S. DOE’s Industrial Technologies Program Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool.

Pumps & Motors

Buying An Energy-Efficient Electric Motor Fact Sheet
Fact sheet about purchasing and operating an energy efficient electric motor.  Source: U.S. Department of Energy.

Determining Electric Motor Load and Efficiency
The mathematics behind determining load and efficiency. Source: U.S. Department of Energy.

Motors Tip Sheets
A list of tip sheets about best practices for motors.  Source:  U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Premium Efficiency Motors [PDF] A fact sheet that compares premium motors to energy efficient motors.  Source: Washington State University.

Pumping Tip Sheets
A list of tip sheets about best practices for pumps.  Source:  U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Pump System Assessment Tool (PSAT)
This software shows energy saving suggestions, system improvements and potential pump damages.  Source:  Pump Systems Matter.

The 1*2*3 Approach to Motor Management
Includes a PDF User’s Guide and Excel Spreadsheet to outline  and understand motor management.


CEE National Municipal Water and Wastewater Facility Initiative
A wastewater process specific guide published by the Consortium for Energy Efficiency in cooperation with the Water Environment Federation.


Database for State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE)
A database that allows facilities to research local, state and federal incentives in renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Lean and Energy Toolkit
Useful techniques and experiences for Lean-interested facilities.

Mountain Association for Community Economic Development (MACED)
MACED works to create economic alternatives so that Appalachian communities are better places to live.  The group offers resources through its Energy Efficient Enterprises project.

Incentives and Load Management
This database can help commercial and industrial managers find the financial and technical incentives, tools and resources they need to make energy efficiency upgrades in their facilities. Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.


Other Resources

Association of Energy Engineers
The AEE offers training, energy news and information about renewable energy.

Provides information and illustrations on advanced lighting, day lighting, commissioning, building envelope, mechanical systems, integrated design and sustainable design.

Building Commissioning Association
Promotes building commissioning practices that maintain high professional standards and fulfill building owners’ expectations.

Center for Applied Energy Research
The University of Kentucky Center for Applied Energy Research (CAER) investigates energy technologies to improve the environment. Researchers contribute to technically-sound policies related to fossil and renewable energy.

Clean Energy Ministerial
A global forum encouraging the transition to a clean energy economy, supporting the Global Superior Energy Performance Partnership initiative to accelerate energy efficiency improvements throughout industrial facilities and large buildings.

Energy Star Online Training Sessions
Online training opportunities.

Greenhouse Gas Calculators
These tools, developed in partnership with the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable, were designed to assist in calculating greenhouse gas emissions and cost savings, as well as converting volume of hazardous materials into pounds.

Kentucky Clean Fuels Coalition
Kentucky distributors of biodiesel, propane, ethanol and other clean technology for vehicles.

Kentucky Department for Energy Development and Independence (DEDI)
DEDI directs strategic planning to guide energy programs and initiatives for Kentucky.

National Association of Energy Service Companies
Opens new markets for energy services by directly promoting the value of demand reduction to customers through seminars, workshops, training programs, publication of case studies and guidebooks, and the compilation and dissemination of aggregate industry data.

Solar Estimate
This website contains a web-based solar calculator to estimate the solar load your company will require, as well as a summary of solar and wind incentives and rebates currently available in the United States. In addition, it also contains a listing of local alternative energy professionals.

Superior Energy Performance
A certification program that provides industrial facilities with a roadmap for achieving continual improvement in energy efficiency while maintaining competitiveness.

Sustainable Buildings Industry Council
A non-profit organization that helps advance design, affordability, energy performance and environmental soundness of residential, institutional and commercial buildings.

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
News and other information about the latest trends in best energy management practices.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – Pollution Prevention
Resources for reducing or eliminating waste at the source by modifying production processes, promoting the use of non-toxic or less-toxic substances, implementing conservation techniques and re-using materials rather than putting them into the waste stream.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – What You Can Do At the Office
The U.S. EPA has compiled a number of easy ways to protect the environment, fight climate change and help make the air cleaner.

U.S. Green Building Council
The nation’s foremost coalition of leaders from every sector of the building industry working to promote buildings that are environmentally responsible, profitable and healthy places to live and work. The USGBC’s core purpose is to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life. Their Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System™, is a nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings.

University of Kentucky Energy Efficiency
Information about what the University of Kentucky is doing in energy efficiency.

Information about a device that reduces energy use of vending machines by up to 50 percent.

Washington State University Extension Energy Program
An Energy Solutions Database that can be searched by topic or keyword.